Simple ways to treat colic

Simple ways to treat colic

Colic is pain and cramps that occur in the abdominal area, and may be accompanied by some other symptoms, such as vomiting, nausea and dizziness, colic may last for more than three days and colic can be treated with a set of natural recipes that help relieve pain.

Causes of intestinal

colic in children The causes of colic in children differ from those in adults, we explain them to you in the following paragraphs:

Causes of colic in adults

There are many causes of intestinal colic in adults, the most important of which are the following:

  • Effects of wounds formed after surgical operations, especially in the pelvic and abdominal area.
  • Diseases that cause inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn's disease.
  • Diverticulosis, which is the formation of pockets on the wall of the colon.
  • Cancerous tumors

Causes of intestinal colic in children

The following are the most important causes of intestinal colic in children and infants:

  • The immaturity of the digestive system in this age group, as children at this stage can be allergic to one of the components of milk, whether breast milk or formula milk.
  • Lactose intolerance: The symptoms of intestinal colic in children are similar to those of lactose intolerance.
  • Smoking during pregnancy, as the incidence of intestinal colic in children doubles if their mothers are smokers.

What are the symptoms of colic?


Colic is accompanied by a number of symptoms that vary in severity or frequency, in addition to the different symptoms associated with colic according to the age group.

Symptoms of intestinal colic in adults

The following symptoms are among the most important symptoms associated with intestinal colic in adults

  • :
  • flatulence
  • loss of appetite
  • Problems with bowel movement and passing gas.

Symptoms of intestinal colic in children and infants Intestinal colic in children

is distinguished from its counterpart in adults by a number of accompanying symptoms, the most important of which are:


  • intense and continuous crying, the child begins to cry suddenly and without clear reasons. 
  • These crying episodes can be repeated daily, especially in the afternoon or evening, when the crying spells may last several minutes or may last up to hours.
  • When changing the position, the child begins to clench and close his palms, tighten the abdominal muscles, extend his knees, as well as bend his back.
  • The nature of sleep, the child's sleep periods begin to be interrupted and irregular, accompanied by severe crying spells.
  • The way of eating and the way the child changes his eating habits, where he notices irregularity and interruptions in eating his meals in addition to crying spells.
  • Gas formation. The gases associated with intestinal colic begin to form during periods of intense crying.

Treating colic with natural recipes

People used to take analgesics as the main solution to get rid of pain, but there are a number of recipes that help treat colic, including the following:

Chamomile recipe Chamomile

contributes to calming colic by relieving intestinal spasms, in addition, it has a calming effect and stimulates person sleeping. 

Chamomile can be used by brewing tea, preferably in the evening, and it can also be given to children in certain amounts on the recommendation of a doctor. 

Fennel seed recipe Fennel

seeds contribute to enhancing food absorption and digestion in the human body, which contributes to relieving abdominal pain, digestive cramps, and other digestive symptoms that include flatulence and gas.

It is recommended to use it by adding a teaspoon of fennel to a cup of water, boil it and leave it for 10 minutes, then filter it and drink the soaked.


is characterized by its sedative and antispasmodic properties, and it is recommended to use peppermint oil by taking a few drops of it and rubbing it between the palms of the hand to warm it, then gently massaging the abdomen with this oil. 

Apple Cider

Vinegar Diluted apple cider vinegar helps relieve upset stomachs because it promotes digestion and maintains a balance of bacteria in the gut. It can be prepared by adding one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey to a glass of water. 

Ginger Ginger

contributes to relieving stomach pain, as it is a natural anti-inflammatory, and fresh ginger can be used, or as an alternative you can use ginger capsules or ginger tea.


Cloves contain substances that enhance stomach secretions, relieve gas, and speed up digestion, which relieves abdominal pain and discomfort along with other digestive symptoms. It can be used by mixing one or two teaspoons of ground cloves with one teaspoon of honey, to be taken once daily. 


: Cumin calms the intestines and stomach and relieves pain and discomfort. 

It can be used by adding one or two tablespoons of cumin to meals while they are being prepared, or it can be prepared as a tea by adding a few teaspoons of cumin seeds or cumin powder to boiling water. 

Rice water Rice

water helps reduce abdominal pain and colic as it is light on the stomach, and it is usually prepared by:

  •   Washing a cup of rice well.
  • Add 6 cups of water to a cup of rice.
  •    Cook the rice, making sure it is not covered.
  •    When the rice is soft, separate it from the water and let it cool.
  •    Add half a tablespoon of honey to the rice water.

In the end, it should be noted that these steps, procedures and home recipes will help you seriously in treating abdominal colic, but you should consult a doctor as soon as symptoms of abdominal colic appear.

Home remedies to get rid of severe colic

Here are some home methods that may contribute to relieving severe abdominal pain and colic:

  • Avoid eating solid foods until the pain subsides.
  • Take a break.
  • Drink plenty of water and clear fluids to maintain fluid balance in the body and avoid dehydration.
  • Putting compresses or thermal bags on the abdomen.
  • Avoid drinking tea, coffee, alcohol and smoking.
  • Avoid eating fatty or spicy meals.
  • Take a warm bath.
  • Starting with clear liquids when the patient is allowed to eat again and then soft foods such as: rice, bananas, biscuits, toast, or boiled chicken.

When should medical help be sought?

The patient should not hesitate to seek urgent medical help, in case of severe colic, and when the following symptoms and signs appear:

  • sudden pain and cramping.
  • The pain is getting worse.
  • Pain that lasts for hours or more, or pain that spreads to the chest, shoulders, neck, or jaws.
  • Vomiting and difficulty breathing.
  • Fever and heavy sweating.
  • Vomiting mixed with blood or black vomit.
  • Stools mixed with blood or black stools.
  • Appearance of blood in the urine.
  • Inability to defecate or urinate.
  • Inability to pass gas.
  • Signs and symptoms of dehydration, such as: dry mouth, extreme thirst, inability to urinate or oliguria, dizziness.
  • Pain in the scrotum in men.
  • Vaginal pain and bleeding in pregnant women.

These were the best ways to treat colic with simple home methods that relieve pain that may last for three days or more, but if the pain increases or the condition deteriorates, do not hesitate to go to the specialist doctor.


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